Outils Oceans - Winch handle bag Outils Oceans RACING

Outils Oceans RACING winch handle bag.
These bags are supplied in pairs for port and starboard and have an inclined cut-out on one side to keep the winch handle parallel to the side of the ship, even when it is tilted. Nevertheless, stowage or removal is not obstructed. Outils Oceans RACING winch handle bags have special fixing points that can be glued or screwed. The winch handle pocket can easily be hooked in and removed at any time.
Modern materials result in a weight saving of approx. 20 % for the RACING variants.

Short URL: http://lindemann.kg/s/12/VBF

All article numbers marked in blue can be ordered.

All prices are recommended retail prices in Euro - currency incl. German VAT
All technical specifications are without obligation; errors excepted.
Deliveries exclusively via marine retailers.